Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quick and painless

Milk products for me have been like a bad friend who you just can't seem to cut out of your life. They hang around causing more trouble than good, stealing your boyfriends, writing false rumors about you on the bathroom walls. Yet you always talk yourself into keeping them around despite all of the drama llama antics.  As with every bad friend you reach a breaking point.

I was getting close to adding the last straw to the proverbial camel's back when I watched Forks Over Knives. I noticed something, things I was trying to resolve with the help of my doctor lately had been proven to be easily reversible with the help of nothing more than a veggie centered, whole grain added diet. While I had heard all of these things before, this time it sunk in. It was time to break up with cheese!

Other diets from the past (South Beach, Weight Watchers) had left me a bit gun shy.  I know what miserable feels like and how unproductive wanting to eat something you can't have can be, but so far for the most part this time has been pretty painless. One thing I know for sure, I am going to enjoy what I eat. Otherwise I'll turn into Dietzilla taking my frustration out on everyone around me like they were tiny little residents standing in my way of overtaking Health City. 

Enough talk here are some pictures:

Bell pepper, cucumber, and avocado salad with olive oil and lime dressing.

Simple steamed broccoli.

I know I promised that I would catalog recipes I had tried here. Well I am gearing up for my first big recipe. Just to remind myself that this isn't like those other diets this recipe will involve that delicious startch that is friend to you and me...


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